DESIRELESSNESS – A Beautiful State Of True Happiness & Freedom

  • By desire is a person bound. – Sikhism
  • Him who’s insatiate in desires, the Destroyer brings under his sway. – Buddhism
  • The person who makes desire their god; God sends astray and seals
    up their hearing and their hearts. – Islam
  • Each person is tempted when they are lured and enticed by their own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin. – Christianity

Have you ever thought about how misled we are by our desires? We think that by fulfilling a desire we shall obtain happiness; but have you ever noticed that when a desire is fulfilled we are happy for just a moment, and then we immediately begin to chase after another one?

If we analyze where our happiness was coming from we’d see that, more often than not, the happiness is momentary not because the desire has been fulfilled; but rather because the desire has disappeared & we have eliminated it from our lives. If we understood this, then we’d realize that the happiness ultimately leaves us because we bring a new desire into our minds & hearts. Therefore, it is in the elimination of desires that we really find true and lasting happiness; and not in the fulfillment of the desire itself.

Desires are actually keeping us in a state of being unfulfilled. They keep us feeling unhappy because we ignorantly believe that until we have what we desire we are incomplete. Yet, with a proper understanding we see that by looking for happiness in things outside of our selves we never really discover it.

Happiness cannot be found in external things. It is an inner state of being; it is the true state of our soul. And when we eliminate desire, our natural state is revealed to us.

When we are “desireless” we are living in a beautiful state of true freedom. And we disturb this state when we bring a desire into our lives. By proper introspection we’d see that our desires are the main reason for our suffering & uneasiness; because we have been brainwashed to believe that it is only by fulfilling our desires that we can be happy.

Therefore, turn away from this conditioning and come to understand that happiness and peace are already within you. Embrace your natural state and see how quickly your life begins to change for the better. The one & only desire that is acceptable, and which we should have in this life, is the desire to know & reconnect with God! For, this desire will lead us back to our true home; and help us to rediscover the peace and bliss from which we come. But, in the end even this desire needs to be trascended; for the truth is, we are ALWAYS connected to God.

God bless you on your journey & remember to always – Heed the Spirit,


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