LECTIO DIVINA – Connecting With God Through Sacred Reading

After praying daily for long periods of time, we eventually come to the point when we desire something more. We eventually begin to long for a more personal and intimate knowledge of God. We seek something beyond a monologue; something beyond our petitions and lamentations; and something beyond our cries for help. Eventually, we come to a point where we long to touch God directly and have an actual dialogue with Him.

Well, the truth is the more we approach God, the closer He draws near to us and the more He reveals Himself to us. In fact, the more time we spend with God in meditation, prayer, contemplation, and the reading of scriptures, the deeper and closer our relationship will grow. For, God loves those that loves Him; and shows Himself to the ones who sincerely seek Him (Proverbs 8:17).

Therefore, I’d like to talk about a long held tradition & practice that comes down to Deeping our relationship with Godus from the era of the early monastic movements. It’s a method of contemplation called “LECTIO DIVINA”. This practice is a deep, reverent, and sacred reading of Holy Books and has 4 primary steps associated with it:

  1. LECTIO – “Lectio” means reading; and this first step is composed of reading a short passage or verse of sacred writings and then listening within. Just start by picking out a passage or verse, from any sacred or holy book, and then, very slowly & softly, read that verse several times; pausing for a moment between each reading.
  2. MEDITATIO – This second word means “meditation”. And this step begins when we pause after a slow reading of a passage. What we trying to do when we pause is deepen our understanding of what we have read; not by reflecting on the meaning of the passage or verse, but, by keeping the mind at rest and allowing the passage to fall from the head & into the heart where it’s true meaning can be revealed through the purifying fires of love. In this step, try to pay close attention to what you are feeling as you read the passage or what words that may jump out at you from the verse.
  3. ORATIO –  “Oratio” is Latin for “Prayer”. In this step we prayerfully reflect upon any feeling that has been raised or any of the words that have been brought to our attention. If we don’t fully understand why something is arising, then just pray to God and ask Him what the feeling or word is supposed to mean.
  4. CONTEMPLATIO – This 4th and final step is the union or “contemplation” to which God leads us because of our submission to Him and our asking for help or enlightenment. It is the final stage, in which, through silence, stillness, and waiting, we are granted wisdom and perhaps even visited by God. True contemplation is not something that we attain on our own. It comes about by putting or submitting ourselves into the hands of God so that He can transform and enlighten us.

By the slow, reverent, and focused practice of “lectio divina” we become aware of the God at the core of our being. The sacredness of the reading, the meditation on the holy writings, and the resting in silence, opens us up to a more intimate connection with God. And the setting aside of time, to loving communicate with God through any practice, is an essential part of our spiritual life. In fact, it is more vital for the soul than food is for the body.

Therefore, if you desire a more intimate connection with God or seek to gain a deeper understanding of some sacred writing, then, I encourage you try this practice for yourself. Throughout the centuries it has lead may mystics to an intimate encounter with God and His wisdom; and it can do the same for you. Peacefully surrender to the Father & allow a prayerful reading of His words or books to lead you to His Light.

God bless on your own journey to God & may you always remember to – Heed the Spirit,


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