PRAYER – How to Talk to God and Get a Reply

praying     All of us may communicate with God. And when I say “communicate” I’m not talking about saying a few prayers when we rise in the morning or before we go to bed at night. I’m talking about a REAL conversation, which is not a one-sided monologue; but rather, an actual dialogue between friends. I’m talking about a productive prayer time where by you speak to God & He actually replies to you.

Now we may all communicate with God, because all of us are God’s children! Therefore, let us get over any notion that we are not good enough to approach Him or that we need a mediator or intercessor to speak with Him. God has no favorites. If we make a free-will choice to have a close and intimate relationship with Him, then, we have just as much access to Him as anyone else; including any saint or holy person. The only thing that is required to get this conversation under way is love faith, & sincerity!

The problem for many of us is that much of our prayer time is nothing more than lip-service. For, when we are praying to God we are very often reciting memorized prayers while our minds are off dwelling upon other things; such as the work we need to do, what we are going to eat, etc… Therefore, there is no real meaning, genuineness, or force behind our words. Prayers are more powerful when the intention of our minds and the words we are saying are in alignment.

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However, even mental prayer is still often a very weak type of prayer. The real power of prayer comes when our WORDS, MIND, & HEART are all united as ONE! For, when we approach prayer on both a mental and emotional level we magnify its power exponentially. But, we really need to feel what we are saying.

Now, our mental & emotional power can be greatly enhanced if rather than saying memorized prayers we would instead talk to God as we would a parent or friend. For many memorized prayers do not offer the chance for a two-way conversation. We may prefer memorized prayers and neglect speaking to God about what’s in our hearts and minds, because we realize that being God, He of course knows what’s in them. But, if we would just open our hearts and let them speak to God about our worries, problems, desires, hopes, joys, etc…; then we allow our prayer sessions to become a dialogue and discussion. So, it’s very important to get our hearts fully involved in our prayers if we truly want to get a response from God,

Also, let us always remember to approach God and speak to Him as we would one of our unconditionally loving parents or friends. For, if you approached your mother or father to speak with them wouldn’t they of course respond? If you approached them for advice or to discuss an important matter wouldn’t they give you their undivided attention and gladly offer their advice and counsel?

So, approach God knowing that He would do the same. In fact, He is more kind, compassionate, understanding, loving, and helpful than any one on earth. And if we come to God in prayer, with the mentality that we are going to get an answer and DO NOT DOUBT this, then, one day He shall respond. This is not my promise but rather a promise to you from the Lord, Himself:

  • “Call to Me, and I will answer you…” (Jeremiah 33:3)
  • “And your Lord says, Call on Me, & I will respond to your prayer.” (Qur’an 40:60)

God bless you & may you always remember to – Heed the Spirit,


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