Let Us Contemplate The Love Of God

“God is love!” (1 John 4:8)

On this Christmas Eve, let us call to mind all the love that our God & Creator has for us. Love of GodHowever, if you haven’t fully & directly experienced it, it is something very difficult to describe; for there is nothing on earth that it can even be compared to. The love which God has for our soul is unlike any love that we have ever known or experienced. For, the love of others can diminish; but God’s Love is


Therefore, no matter what we may have done it never lessens or fades.

To try and decribe it, I would say, God’s Love is an “overwhelming BLISS & feeling of ECSTASY“. It is so powerful that it began the act of Creation; and set everything in the universe in motion. It has such a profound effect on our lives because it created us & is the true essence of our soul. And by manifesting this love in our lives our actions become understood by all; for love is a universal language which everyone can understand.

Therefore, know that since God is Love, we are children of Love, and we have within us more love than we could ever imagine. And the important thing to keep in mind this Christmas, and also into the New Year, is not how many gifts we received or how many possessions we have; but, instead how much LOVE we have given. Love is the key to life. For, when we die we shall be “judged” by how much we have LOVED, and nothing else.

Therefore, I encourgae you this Christmas holiday:

“Don’t hold back. Be Reckless. Tell & show you love to everyone!” – Rumi

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas & Blessed Holiday Season. May it be filled with Peace, Joy, and a Spirit which is renewed through an intimate knowing of God’s Love. In fact, my Chirstmas prayer is that the Love of God may be born & nutured in the heart of all humanity.

God Bless you on your journey & remember to always – Heed the Spirit,


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