We Will Experience God When We Put Him First In Our Lives

In order to experience God, & know Him intimately, we must have no other desire in our heart. We must solely desire God above all other things. It is our desire for other things which keep us feeling “separated”, and so some say that desire needs to be overcome. But, this does not mean our desire for God. For, it is only be desiring Him above all else that He makes Himself known to us.

Now our desire for Him must be intense. If we are only lukewarm in our fervor and devotion, then our intention isn’t powerful enough to evoke a response. And we can’t just say: “I want you & love you God” without putting heartfelt feeling behind these words. We must be intense in our seeking and intense in our love. Anything less will be of no value.

Ramakrishna says that “our desire for God must be as great as a drowning man’s desire for air.” And in our analysis on the spiritual meaning of the 4th Beatitude, we said that Jesus used the words “hunger & thirst”, to convey the feeling of just how strong our seeking for God must be. It is the person who puts their whole heart & soul into seeking God that will surely find Him.

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Now, this is not my promise to you, but the promise of God Himself; i.e. Jeremiah 29:13; Proverbs 8:17; & The Bhagavad-Gita 8:7, 9:34, 10:10, 11:55). And know that His promises are never broken.

Therefore, be intense in your devotion; be extreme in your love; and put nothing else in your life before your search for God. Jesus said, “Seek first God & His kingdom” (Matthew 6:33). If you follow this spiritual principle you shall surely come to have a direct & intimate experience of Him. You shall come to know God on a more personal level & realize just how near to you He always is.

God bless you on your spiritual journey & remember to always – Heed the Spirit,


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