PROPHET DANIEL: How His Life Can Be A Model For Our Spiritual Walk

The Prophet Daniel, was taken captive, as a young man, from Jerusalem, by the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar instructed that Daniel, along with some other captives, become educated in the Babylonian way of life. prophetHowever, Daniel never converted from his ways. He remained true to his belief and stood firm in his relationship with God. Therefore, God stayed close to him and rewarded him greatly. And for these reasons, Daniel’s life is a perfect model for any of us who wish to be close to God & build an intimate relationship with Him.

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Now some of the important characteristics of Daniel’s personality were:

1. Daniel believed whole-heartedly in a supreme God.

Daniel was born in Israel and therefore he was raised a Jew. But, at a young age he was taken captive and brought into Babylon where he lived for the rest of his life. The Babylonians had a much different way of life than the Jews did. They dressed differently, spoke differently, had different dietary habits, and worshipped other gods.

However, Daniel was not afraid to bring to the attention of any of the Babylonian Kings, that “there is a God in heaven” (2:28) and it is “The Most High that rules in the Kingdoms of men” (4:25). For, Daniel believed that regardless of the country we live in or faith that we practice there is only ONE TURE GOD who rules over all things.

2. Daniel sought only to please & glorify this Supreme God.

Daniel was a great man who accomplished many things, yet he never used his gifts or abilities for his own benefit; and he always gave God the glory for anything that he accomplished. For example: when he was able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Chapter 2), which no other prophet or astrologer could do, Daniel immediately told the king that this interpretation did not come by his own power but from God (2:28). Also when Daniel received the dream interpretation the first thing he did was praise, honor, and bless God for revealing it to Him. (2:20-23)

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Therefore, Daniel lived caring not what anyone thought of Him. And when the Babylonian kings would sign decrees stating that all citizens must bow down to them as God and/or worship the idols which they erected throughout the land; Daniel never compromised his integrity or swayed from his faith in order to please anyone. He wouldn’t even be swayed from his convictions by the penalty of death. And for such loyalty to God Daniel was greatly blessed; for when Daniel is thrown into the lions den for praying to God after the king gave an order that no one shall petition any God except the King for 30 days, God keeps the mouths of the lions closed and allows no harm to come to Daniel.

3. Daniel studied the word of God (the scriptures) & believed it.

Daniel knew the scriptures. In fact, we know that he was aware of the writing of Jeremiah, for he would often quote him. Now, Daniel studied the word of God because the scriptures taught him what the will of God was. And by being aware of God’s will, Daniel would be able to obey it, please God, and make sure that his will was in alignent with God’s.

Therefore, any of us who wish to be close to God should study the sacred writings of our faith so that we know exactly what it is that God wants from us. When we strive to serve not our own wills, but rather the will of God we become instruments or tools through which can work in the world.

4. Daniel practiced spiritual disciplines and had a scheduled prayer life.

We know that Daniel fasted & prayed (10:3-4). In fact, throughout the entire Book of Daniel we read that whenever he needed to speak with God, get an interpretation for a dream, or just know what he should do about anything, Daniel would always turn to prayer. We also learn that from his youth Daniel would get down on his knees and pray to God 3 times a day (6:10).

How many of us can claim the same type of devotion and intimacy with our God?

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5. Daniel was tactful and considerate.

He always spoke respectfully, even to his captives and kings. He cultivated a manner of speaking which couldn’t be condemned by anyone. Perhaps, Daniel was who Paul was thinking of when he wrote “A servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all.” (2 Timothy 2:24)

Therefore, whether we are a Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, etc… there is something we could all learn from Daniel. For, example we should all try to emulate him by always remembering that the watchful eye of God is upon us. And we should act in all our ways trying to please Him and not care what others may think of us. “For it is much better to please God and have others upset with us; than it is to please others and have God upset with us” (Joel Osteen). It never mattered to Daniel what others thought about Him; because he knew his life was in the hands of God. Therefore,  all that he was concerned about was making sure that he stayed there.

God Bless you in your spiritual walk & remember to always – Heed the Spirit,


2 thoughts on “PROPHET DANIEL: How His Life Can Be A Model For Our Spiritual Walk

  1. your explanation or theory on Daniel is amazing and precise for todays world. Exactly the kind of message we need to hear. Thank you

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