We Are All In A Race To Union WIth God

Whether we realize it or not, the purpose of life is our rediscovery of God. The goal which we are all trying to attain is our running to God, Spiritual race, Coming to know God, Oneness with Godsoul’s reunion with God. Therefore, it could be said that we are all running in the same race.

However, since we are not all in the same spiritual condition we will not find ourselves all at the same place on the track. Some of us may not be in top spiritual shape, we’re carrying a little extra weight or baggage, and so we may find ourselves closer to the starting line; while others may have toned their bodies through devotion, spiritual living, and purification of their hearts that they may be very close to the finish.

But, the important thing to remember is that we shouldn’t be worried about where we might be; and we definately should not be comparing ourselves to anyone else. For, no first, second, or third place medals will be given out. We all have our own unqiue spiritual race to run; and our race is not against anyone but our self.

You must understand that you are exactly where you need to be at the moment. The place you find yourself is where you will meet the challenges and experiences that you need for the race you are running. A lesson which you need may not be the same lesson that someone else must learn; and so experiences shall come into your life for the benefit & growth of your own soul. It is applying & doing what we know to be right in these experiences that moves us along the path and brings a new expereince to us.

Also, don’t worry how long it takes; for this race is not timed. Know that even baby steps will get you to the finish line. We have are given endless opportunities to make things right & learn what we need to learn. So, again it doesn’t mater where you are now or how you perceive yourself to be in relation to anyone else. For, when we finally do cross the finish line we will all receive the same prize – Oneness with God.

God bless you on your journey & remember to always – Heed the Spirit,


10 thoughts on “We Are All In A Race To Union WIth God

  1. Hi my “family” member! I want to say that this article is awesome, nicely written. I’ve always beleived that we are all one in God.

    • Hello! Thank you for your comment. Yes, it’s true there is only ONE CREATOR and He has made all people; therefore, we all belong to one big spiritual family. Thanks again for taking the time to tell us that you enoyed our post & we hope to hear from you again. God bless.

  2. Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all people! You seem to really be speaking from the heart. I have Bookmarked you sight. 🙂

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment after reading this post. Your kind words are so appreciated. We hope to hear from you again. God bless!

  3. This was a really quality post. Thank you for what you are doing and the message you are spreading. My kind regards, Adelaida.

    • Dear Adelaida, Thank you for the kind comment. We appreciate you taking the time to comment about what you read. God bless you and hope to hear from you again.

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