Sometimes it may be difficult to accept the idea that God is everywhere and in God is in all thingseveryone. There will be days when we find it hard to recognize His presence within us & around us. And many times when we find it almost impossible to see God in all people.

However, the truth is, and will always be, that no matter how bad we may think a person to be that there is a Divine Spark within us all. It may be challenging at times to recognize that part of them, but if we look hard enough it is there. In fact, a search for God requires that we cultivate a consciousness which is aware of His presence at all times and in all situations.

We are all made in the image & likeness of God. However, that does not mean our physical image; it is the inner self, the soul, which is being referred to. But, too often we associate only with the physical side of ourselves that we do not let the characteristics of our souls shine forth. In fact, the more we associate with the physical side of ourselves the less awareness we have of our souls.

So, we must try to remember as we go about our daily lives that the physical body is just a suit of flesh which we wear; it is the vehicle we use in order to experience this physical world. We are not physical bodies which possess a soul; we are souls which take on a physical body! Therefore, we do not need to become a spiritual being, for that is what we already are; but we must let that part of us become more prominent in our lives, by being less attached to our physicality. Our soul knows it’s connection to God and is always aware of His presence. So the more we manifest our soul, the more aware we become of God.

Therefore, use each day as an opportunity to find God’s presence in all people and things. One useful technique is to imagine whenever you look into the eyes of another person that you are actually seeing God there. If we look deep enough He can be found because we all have a very intimate connection to God. He has not forgotten to give His spirit to any of us; it is just that we have overlooked the truth of where His presence lies. And again, we will become more & more aware of God’s presence as we set our physical self aside and seek to experience life through the soul. So, strive to bring your soul forth in everything you do; and eventually you will awaken to the truth that – GOD IS EVERYWHERE!

God bless you on your journey & remember to always — Heed the Spirit,


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