Why We Suffer

A life on earth exposes us all to suffering. It is everywhere; and it touches each and every one of us. suffering, why we suffer, the spiritual significance of sufferingNo soul is so blessed as to not be affected by suffering at some point during their life. But, once we know what produces our suffering, we’d understand that, to a degree, we have some control over how much we must experience. Also, there’s a spiritual reason for why God allows suffering & it’s not for our misery & punishment.

Our suffering occurs for 2 reasons:

  1. Our Desires; & Attachment to the Things We Desire
  2. A False View of Reality

There is an alternate Reality that most of us are blind to; and there is a way of behaving that is capable of bringing us contentment, peace, joy, and love in this lifetime. These things aren’t difficult to find. You just have to be fully committed, in heart and mind, to the reprogramming of bad habits & erroneous thinking. For, our happiness is a state of mind; and in truth, our peace & happiness doesn’t depend on any external situations, but rather our reactions to them.

Now our false view of reality and our desires go hand in hand. You see we think we are no more than a physical body; and therefore, we think that we will attain happiness by bringing ourselves the things our physical self desires and gains pleasure from. But, what sense indulgence offers isn’t lasting happiness, but instead soul-bondage and attachment to the things in this physical world. The way to break free is not, as most people think, in the further indulgence of the senses & fulfillment of more desires. In fact, seeking fulfillment of every desire that comes along is the best way to increase our suffering and misery.

The way to liberation and freedom is through self-control and detachment. We have to learn that everything which changes and dies is not real. Therefore, we should be attached to anything in the physical/material world; since everything will eventually be destroyed. What we must focus on is what’s truly real; and that is the essence of life within us. What’s real is the Force or Energy which animates and moves our physical body. What’s real is the consciousness that lasts when the body takes its last breathe. Our true reality is not our physical self, but the SPIRITUAL SELF or SOUL.

And so, physical things cannot bring us the happiness that our souls seek. The spiritual happiness that the souls longs for is the knowledge of its Source. The soul yearns to reconnect with God; and feel the oneness & love that it knew when it was first created. Therefore, physical desires will always keep us unsatisfied and unhappy for nothing physical is eternal. That’s why happiness from things is so fleeting. Eventually, everything gets old, breaks, or at some point is taken away from us.

Now, on a deeper level, these physical things are meant to disappoint us; because suffering provides the contrast that enables us to recognize goodness, happiness, and joy. If everything here on earth was perfection and infinite bliss none of us would want to go back to God. Therefore, suffering isn’t really meant to be a punishment, but rather a tool which teaches us to look for God again. For, it’s not when things are perfect and going great that people remember God; in fact, at these times, we are often most forgetful of Him. Instead, it’s when we begin to see the imperfection & misery of this world that we say “there must be something more”, and seek the comfort and perfection found in God.

Therefore, try not to look at suffering as an evil, but more like a good friend that is nudging you to walk the right path. Suffering is not meant to destroy or depress us; but rather to make us disillusioned with this world so that we will seek out God’s spiritual one. God never meant for us to be mortals and experience suffering; this is a choice we have made. God created us to be His children; and wanted us to live eternally with Him in His kingdom. And if we listen with our spiritual ears He is saying to all of us:

“My child, you don’t have to go on suffering. I have given you the free-will to choose good or evil, life or death; to return to Me or stay separated.”

Therefore, heed His call! But, don’t think that choosing God means you must become some pious person who shuns all joy and pleasure. Choosing God doesn’t mean our happiness must end. Rather, God wants us experience life more abundantly. And when we choose to know Him the joy & happiness we find is beyond anything words can express. So, choose life; choose what is good; & choose God! I promise that you will not be disappointed if you do.

God bless you on your journey & remember to always — Heed the Spirit,


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