HAPPINESS – A State of Being Found in God and Within Self

“Happy is the one who continually goes searching for God & separates himself from the worldly ways or cares of life! – Anthony Profeta”

Happiness    All of humanity is searching for happiness. The problem is we are searching for this happiness as if it’s a “thing” that can be found in the possessions, people, and places of this material world. It’s easy to understand why, since material life tempts us with promises of lasting happiness; but ultimately, we always find, that these promises end up being broken. For, the only thing that’s certain about this world is change; and lasting happiness cannot be found in changing things.

No person can ever make us happy everyday & no thing will ever keep us eternally happy either. In fact, how often through your own experiences have you found that when you acquired what you thought would make you happy you soon became unsatisfied and quickly moved on in search of finding something else to bring you happiness? Does this mean that a life of unhappiness is the sad fate for those of us on earth?

Definitely not! Our God is a loving God Who desires our happiness; and never our suffering. And God, Himself, has promised that happiness, joy, love, abundant life & eternal bliss shall not be withheld from anyone who seeks to be united with Him. In fact, at one time we all knew lasting happiness & eternal love. But, unfortunately we severed the connection when we separated ourselves from God through sin.

We are unsatisfied with anything less than the eternal happiness found in God because at a deeper level of our being, and at a higher level of our consciousness, we are still aware of what we lost and desire nothing less than that. Also, the happiness found in worldly things is so fleeting because God wants His children to return back Home. This world was never meant to be our eternal home; and if it was a place of never-ending happiness, how many of us would seek out something better? This world is supposed to be teaching us the lessons we need to learn so that we can reunite our souls with God again. The fleeting happiness of earthly things is meant to be shifting our attention from this materialistic world and towards the spiritual one, where eternal happiness lives.

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The spiritually ignorant will continue to go seeking this lost happiness in the numerous pleasures of the senses & material things; while the wise, who understand the mystery, will seek the happiness in the only place it can be found – within the Self! For, since our “True Self” is made in the image & likeness of God, happiness is our natural state. We do not need to go anyplace outside of ourselves looking for it. Happiness, peace, joy, bliss, & love are all felt & found inside of us. In fact, the more we depend upon outside things for our happiness the less we will ultimately experience; while the more we turn within to find it the more happiness we will bring into our lives.

Therefore, there is definitely no need for us to be continually miserable or unhappy. We limit our happiness by believing we are no more than a physical body. But, the truth is we are infinite beings who are always connected to an unlimited Source of happiness, peace, & love. I declare that in your heart you already are, and already have, what you seek. It is just a matter of BELIEVING & KNOWING THIS!

You do not need to create a “new you” by pursuing this or that spiritual practice to find any happiness or to attain God-/Self-Realization, enlightenment, nirvana, etc… Happiness is not added to you; peace is not added to you; joy is not added to you; and neither is love. Instead, they are you! And they are revealed when your True Nature (Soul) is allowed to come to the surface and be made manifest in your daily living.

God bless you on your journey & remember to always – HEED THE SPIRIT!


P.S. – Our own happiness is multiplied in our doing good or bringing happiness to others.

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