There’s A Voice In The Silence

Silence, Silence is the greatest teacher, the quiter we are the more we hear

Perhaps, you’ve heard the sayings: “silence is golden” or “silence is our greatest teacher”. But, have you ever really stopped to understand the wisdom found in these words? Continue Reading →

The Universe Is A Mental Creation

Universe, God is Mind, God is consciousness, Mind is all, power of the mind

When talking about Creation, and where the universe came from, it wouldn’t be fair to just say that God can do anything and leave it at that. For, even miracles, Continue Reading →

LECTIO DIVINA – Connecting With God Through Sacred Reading

Deeping our relationship with God

Setting time aside to loving communicate with God, through any practice, is an essential part of our spiritual life. In fact, it is more vital for the soul, than food is for the body. Continue Reading →